Improve your profitability by transforming your revenue model
Make modern pricing a core competency in your firm
Revenue Model Transformation
for Agencies
Ignition offers workshops and professional development courses that help agencies and other professional service firms get paid for the value they create rather than the hours they work.
Most agency executives accept the idea that clients don’t really buy their “time,” but struggle with how to charge in any other way. When you set the hourly billing model aside and apply creative thinking to the question of agency compensation, a whole host of innovative pricing solutions come to light.
Using examples from around the world, Ignition’s immersive online and on-demand workshops explore models that transcend the suboptimal cost-based model and instead align the economic interests of the client with the interests of the agency. Ignition’s offerings are designed to provide your firm with a better understanding of:
The many other progressive pricing strategies used by today's businesses and how they can easily apply to professional services like agencies
Why the "billable hour" is not a "unit of value" (only a unit of cost) and how to effectively sell the value you create in other more effective forms
How to create a more scalable business model by repackaging your services as products and program
Agency executives are skilled in their craft of marketing communications, but most are underprepared to craft progressive pricing strategies and present them effectively to professional buyers. To make matters worse, agency professionals put themselves in the submissive position of defending their costs instead of selling their value. Instead of playing to win, they are playing not to lose.
The agencies that understand they are in the business of selling solutions to business problems, not filling production orders, have devoted the brainpower and firepower to making pricing (not costing) a core competency.
Ignition’s Revenue Model Transformation Program will teach you:
How to meet the tactics of predictable professional buyers with the proven practices of professional sellers.
How to employ the principles of pricing psychology when dealing with client buyers, including always offering options.
How to keep client buyers focused on value instead of cost, thereby negotiating something both parties want to maximize
How to provide better responses to questions about pricing in RFPs and develop effective pricing proposals for new business opportunities.
It’s time to level the playing field when it comes to presenting and securing more progressive compensation agreements. Contact us to learn how Ignition can help your firm capture more value, dramatically improve your margins, and bring better alignment to client relationships by applying modern solution-based pricing practices.
Online Workshops
Transforming the Agency Revenue Model
Agencies struggle to extract the value they deserve from client relationships not because they aren't charging enough, but because they're selling the wrong thing to their clients. This foundational online workshop shows how agencies can leave the hourly rate system behind and adopt 21st-century pricing practices designed to sell the agency’s value instead of its costs. There’s a pricing revolution underway, and it’s time for agencies to start the journey to revitalized profits.
How to Re-Monetize Your Agency from the Ground Up
Why do agencies persist in selling components instead of finished products? Or worse yet, selling the hours required to build the components? When we price the building instead of the bricks, our clients are more likely to fully appreciate the value being delivered, which means we can more effectively capture the tremendous value we’re creating for our clients. In this compelling online workshop, we show how the agency business can break through its broken belief system and start down the road to building a completely new, productized business model.
How Productized Services Can Create a Scalable Business Model for Your Firm
This compelling new workshop shows how agencies can move from offering a commonplace bullet-point list of services to a set of productized services, each of which is designed to solve an important client business problem. Most existing agency competencies can be reimagined as programs or products, which are more scalable, more repeatable, and ultimately more profitable than labor-based services. The result is a profit margin that will allow agencies to compete more effectively with other businesses for top talent, the lifeblood of our business.
Billing by the Nano-Second? How to Capture the Value of AI and Beyond
The rapid adoption of AI-powered solutions will ultimately propel all agencies into a product-based business model, which completely changes the nature of the agency-client relationship. In place of a circular conversation about the number of people and hours, you’ll be talking with your clients about what they really buy: solutions to their business problems. An inimitable suite of high-value AI-powered programs and products presents your firm as a unique choice in the marketplace, which helps accomplish the ultimate goal of productization: premium pricing.
On Demand Webinars
Getting Paid for Value Instead of Time
When it comes to compensation, agencies are on the defense -- not the offense -- because they are mired in industrial-age pricing practices. Instead of bringing 21st-century pricing methodologies to the table, they are stuck in the bad habit of negotiating their costs instead of selling their value. A decades-long decline in agency profitability has produced a cascading series of challenges, not the least of which is the ability afford and retain the best talent.
It's not too late to reverse this trend. Many recent studies have shown that the single most powerful way to improve agency profits is not to cut costs, or even increase revenues, but rather to improve pricing. Just a 1% improvement in pricing can produce an 11% improvement in profitability. Using real-life examples from firms around the world, this workshop will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and apply your brain power to some new, more effective ways of thinking about how your firm creates value and the many different ways you can get paid for it.
The Fine Art of Packaging and Presenting Your Value
Your firm’s ability to capture value is dependent on its ability to effectively communicate it. Most professionals devote boundless energy to developing a superior work product but invest precious little time learning how to showcase its true value. Brilliant work doesn’t always sell itself.
When preparing for a new business meeting, we must go beyond rehearsing for the pitch and first devote the necessary brainpower to articulating the meaningful value your firm can bring to the prospect’s business.
What you do for your clients is immensely valuable. But to capture value, you must communicate value. This means moving from “What we do” to “What you’ll get” in every conversation, every presentation, and every communication with current and prospective clients. This workshop will show you how.
Why You Should Always Provide Pricing Options
Why does every major marketer offer options when they price, package and sell their products and services? What do they know that we (agencies) don’t?
Brand marketers give their customers a set of choices: different sizes, different features — and of course — different prices. These powerful "choice architecture” techniques can be easily be adopted by professional service firms like agencies. Agencies that offer options in place of a single price experience higher average revenues for the same work and a more effective sell-in process.
In this online workshop, you’ll learn how to apply behavioral economic and value engineering principles which can help change the conversation with clients to a dialog on outputs and deliverables instead of getting mired in a discussion about hourly rates and staffing plans. You’ll learn how showing different combinations of program elements and deliverables keeps the discussion focused on what clients really buy: outputs and deliverables, not hours and activities.
Changing the Compensation Dialogue
When a procurement professional walks into a pricing negotiation with an agency, they’re very well-armed. Representing the agency is an executive trained in client service, often accompanied by someone from finance. But a background in marketing and accounting is hardly the same thing as deep expertise price negotiation strategies.
Pitting these professional buyers against amateur sellers creates a serious mismatch. Agency executives are skilled in their craft of marketing communications, but they are woefully unprepared to craft progressive pricing strategies and present them effectively to professional buyers. The agencies that understand they are in the business of selling solutions to business problems, not filling production orders, have devoted the brainpower and firepower to making pricing (not costing) a core competency.
It’s time to level the playing field when it comes to dealing with professional buyers. If we’ll just step up to the plate, and we’ll get better and better with practice. This workshop shows you how.
How Pricing, Not Price, Can Help You Win More New Business
The way to win more business is not to offer the best price, but rather the best pricing approach. Many agencies will argue that their clients are “price shoppers,” and it’s true there are undiscriminating buyers in every market. But most smart clients understand you get what you pay for. The reason even some of them seem prone to “buy on price” is much more about how we sell than how they buy.
When agencies base their pricing on the hourly rate system, we’re really just selling our costs (salaries plus overhead), so it’s no wonder many prospective clients are focused on precisely that – costs. But what would happen if you decided to sell your services in a different way?
To stand out in a competitive pitch, you can inject as much creativity into your compensation proposal as you do in your proposed concepts and recommendations. In this thought-provoking workshop, Ignition’s Tim Williams will show how your agency can move from “price taker” to “price maker” by employing a variety of effective, imaginative approaches that have nothing to do with tracking and billing for time.
How to Create a Value-Centric Relationship with Your Clients
While most agencies would say they have a discovery process that includes the identification of client objectives, this rarely goes deep enough to define the true metrics of success. What’s needed is a formal process devoted to defining success that goes beyond the obvious and peels the onion around the question “What does success look like?” Not just the typical lagging indicators like sales, awareness, or reputation, but the leading indicators of success – the behaviors and activities that actually predict success, not just measure it in the rear-view mirror.
This workshop also explores what is perhaps the most provocative question of all: “If money weren’t an issue, what role would you want us to play in your business?” By defining the Scope of Value, not just the Scope of Work, we can transform a transaction-based relationship into one guided by a shared commitment to achieve clear marketplace results.
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Ignition Talks Pricing
What People Are Saying
"Our engagement with Ignition has helped us to refine our value proposition, define and diversify our pricing models, and enhance our negotiation skills. Our teams have found the work enlightening and are now able to think about pricing based on ouputs and outcomes instead of inputs. Our collaboration with Ignition has help us apply and embed the principles and achieve a diversified pricing portfolio in our organization alongside an executable pricing strategy."
— Raj Dadra, Global CFO, VCCP
"Never in my wildest dreams did I think a pricing workshop would inspire me so! The creativity behind the approach only validates and amplifies our innovative spirit. Can't wait to put it into action!"
— Jennifer Putnam, Chief Creative Officer, Allen & Gerritsen, Boston
“Ignition’s presentation on value-based pricing is the most exciting workshop we’ve attended in recent years. It’s especially relevant as we continue to refine and evolve our agency model to showcase the value we create for our clients.”
— Richard Tan, CFO/Partner FIG
"I can't say enough positive things about how Ignition has helped WPP agencies identify their positioning and pricing challenges. He brings the challenges into focus with thoughtful real-world examples that show the need for improvement and change. Tim's presentations inspire our creative leaders, strategists, agency management and finance people to adopt better business practices. He finds the perfect balance between extolling the theoretical opportunities that can make our agencies better and the practical change-management workshops that helps an agency make the cultural changes required to better price their services based on what they are worth."
— Rick Brook, EVP, Global Client Operations, WPP
“Tim Williams’ presentation about transformative pricing strategies at our recent global conference was the highest rated of the entire event. 96% of attendees rated it “excellent,” which is the highest category. Our event team cannot remember any speaker at any conference scoring that well. Wow!”
— Julian Boulding, President, TheNetworkOne (London)
“Our pricing transformation program has allowed us to better negotiate, push back on procurement, and change our language to focus on the value we’re bringing versus the cost of our services. We’re now focusing our conversations with new clients on our mutual goals and the shared value we can create.”
— Martin Belanger, VP Finance, Vision7 International