Tim Williams Tim Williams

Price the Building, Not the Bricks

When you purchase a new car, you’re buying a professionally assembled product, not a list of components. It would be senseless to attempt to deconstruct the entire cost of a car in order to judge its value. Why, then, do agencies persist in selling components instead of finished products? Or worse yet, selling the hours required to build the components?

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

For the Agency Business to Live, the Billable Hour Must Die

Persistent predictions of the imminent death of the advertising agency business have caused many industry executives to stop taking these prophecies seriously. No doubt our industry needs faster adoption of new digital technologies. But the real culprit is a decades-long trend of agencies doing more and more work for less and less money. To say that the current iteration of advertising agency business is on its deathbed is no exaggeration.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Who Decides What to Charge a Client? Not the Finance Team

When it comes to pricing, knowing how to count is not nearly as important as knowing what counts in the mind of the buyer. Pricing is a judgment, not a calculation, and it must be done by people who can assess the value created, not compute the costs incurred …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

To Capture More Value, First Create More Value

In the agency business, your clients don’t buy ingredients, they buy increased market share, improved brand reputation, or a seamless customer service experience. Professional proficiency in core areas is the foundation of what you sell, but your clients are paying for a finished product, not an assemblage of qualifications …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

To Engage Employees, Focus On Effectiveness Instead of Efficiency

Hourly billing produces a soul-crushing culture. But it’s in your power to change it. If you lead or manage a professional services firm, you can redirect the internal narrative away from “be efficient” to “be effective.” The result among your fellow professionals is nothing short of transformational …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Creating a Value-Centric Relationship With Your Clients

Next time your client tells you the objective of a campaign is “sales,” politely insist that you engage the agency client-team in a more thorough exploration of what constitutes success. This will help transform a transaction-based relationship into one guided by a shared commitment to achieve clear marketplace results …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Managing Engagements Without Timesheets

Have you finally buried the billable hour? If you’ve joined the pricing revolution, your firm is enjoying the benefits of a modern revenue model that generates profits in ways that have nothing to do with hours logged on timesheets. But your operations and finance teams may still be insisting that time tracking is required to effectively manage internal resources …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Proclaiming Your Independence from the Billable Hour

There will come a time (sooner than we think) that the billable hour will completely disappear from the world of professional services. If you’re currently employed by a firm in the marketing services business, this is likely to happen within your lifetime. Here’s how to proclaim the change to your associates, your prospects, and your clients …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Clock Watchers No More

It's true that the hourly rate still dominates the compensation structures of the most professional services firms around the globe. But the seeds of its dismantling are being sown, in some unexpected ways from unexpected sources. Many of us who study the topic believe it's now just a matter of time until the hourly rate is properly laid to rest in the graveyard of bad business ideas …

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Why Agencies Should Get Out of the Service Business

Is marketing a profession? This is actually an important question for people the businesses like advertising agencies. Many practitioners feel that because they have devoted their careers to this discipline, they are “professionals” in the sense that they know their jobs well and take their work seriously.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Getting Unstuck in Pricing Discussions

If discussions about agency compensation seem like a circular conversation, it’s because most firms are debating the wrong thing. Clients will always try to steer the discourse to focus on cost. Your job is to present and defend the value you’re creating for your client’s business.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Pricing Hacks Inspired by Behavioral Science

Should you aim high or low when a client asks you to “guesstimate” the price of a project? Most of us know the answer to this question, and it’s thanks to the world of behavioral economics that we have insights into the principles of pricing psychology.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Knee Deep in Pitches

If you want the attention of an agency leader, manager, or department head, you’ll have to wait until they get a break in the action from the latest new business pitch. In agencies of all types and sizes, new business presentations are all-consuming.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

The Art of Packaging Value

In clinical trials of new drugs, pharmaceutical companies have learned some fascinating lessons in behavioral science. Not only is the placebo (essentially a sugar pill) perceived as effective by a surprisingly large percentage of patients, but the power of suggestion produces other intriguing effects.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Are You Running a Factory or Cultivating a Garden?

Advertising agencies are facing competition from every dimension and direction. Upstream, they complete with marketing consultancies and brand strategy firms who seek to provide planning and strategy services to marketers. Downstream are production companies, independent freelancers, and even media companies who now aim to not just sell media but produce content.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Have You Really Modernized Your Pricing Strategy? Here’s the Test.

Has your firm turned the corner on agency compensation? Many agency executives insist they have, pointing to the fact they have negotiated better hourly rates, better retainers, or better terms on cost-plus remuneration agreements. The problem, of course, is that they are simply getting better and better at doing the wrong thing.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Can You Describe What Your Strategy Is Not?

When asked to provide an inventory of services provided by your firm, most agency leaders supply the type of list that begs the question, "Could anyone agency actually do all that?"

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Sell the Destination, Not the Journey

The gravest sin committed by marketing communications professionals is their tenacious tendency to sell services instead of solutions. A bullet point list of capabilities is hardly the most effective way to frame the value you create for your clients.

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Tim Williams Tim Williams

Earn a Higher Return on Your Talent Investment

There is a cardinal belief in professional services that our inventory is not parts, but people. If that’s true, professional firms are facing unprecedented inventory shortages. Competition for the best people has always been fierce, but is now intensified by the economic impact of a global pandemic.

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